Thursday, January 2, 2020

4 Tips for a Successful Modern Job Search

4 Tips for a Successful Modern Job Search4 Tips for a Successful Modern Job SearchIf you find yourself searching for a new job after several years of continuous employment, you may discover that a few job search practices have changed. Job search techniques that were once the norm have now been replaced by a more successful verfallen job search that utilizes technologically savvy practices. To help you acclimate to this new territory, weve compiled a list of tips for a successful modern job search.Resumes have gone digital.Nowadays, with the increase in zugnglich job postings and applications, its not uncommon to have to submit your resume and cover letter in digital form. For technology-minded professionals, there are now services that can help you create an online resume, such as VisualCV, that use embedded graphs, pictures, and links to develop a one-of-a-kind online portfolio or website. Today, a successful modern job search must include the use of digital tools.Online networking sites like LinkedIn have developed resume builders that integrate both a passive and active job searching tool. This online resume can be used to apply for jobs, but can also be viewed by the thousands of employers subscribed to LinkedIn.A more basic option is to create a PDF file of your resume as most employers, if they arent using an online job application platform, prefer an email application. Whichever method you prefer, there are a few key points to considerRemember that there is a good chance your documents will be read, at least initially, on a mobile screen. What this means is that youll need to make some format changes and maybe even test out what your resume will look like on your own mobile device.Examine your formatting. Be sure to keep your paragraphs short, leave ample white space on the page, and use bold or italics to highlight main points.Consider adding tasteful color, icons, graphs, charts, or logos to showcase your talent and experience.The job market has gotte n tougher.Due to the increasingly difficult nature of todays job market, a successful modern job search will need some adjustments to application documents to quickly capture the attention of hiring managers. Knowing that the average time spent reviewing a resume is just 30 seconds, youll need to find creative ways to make your resume stand out.The standard length in a resume, 1-2 pages, hasnt changed, yet the resume has transformed into more of a screening tool, while the important decisions are made after the interview. One of the most important aspect to consider for a successful modern job search is your use of keywords. Companies now use programs that scan resumes for specific keywords, so it is imperative that you find a way to integrate strong keywords into your resume that accurately highlight your skills.In light of the fierce competition for work, job seekers have turned to more proactive job search techniques, one of which includes actively seeking out specific companies in their line of work. Professionals now have the tools at hand to easily conduct online searches and focus their attention on one company, or a handful, in their field.An online presence is necessary.An online presence is required in a successful modern job search. It seems that every year it becomes increasingly important for job seekers to maintain an online profile on at least one of the many social and professional networking sites. To have a successful modern job search, there are numerous benefits to being online, and the first is that you can decide what your future employers will see about you. There is no doubt that employers conduct online presence searches to determine what kind of person you are outside of the office and what kind of connections you have.Another key benefit of being online is that you can have other professionals vouch for your work to further showcase your skills and experience. Having this social proof lowers the risk of hiring you as a potential empl oyee, which can end up costing the company thousands of dollars if you are not a good fit. You can provide your future employers with peace of mind by offering endorsements and recommendations right on your LinkedIn page.Finally, having a thriving online presence with allow you to establish or continue to build your personal brand. Especially important for self-employed or freelance workers, maintaining a brand is the ticket to landing new clients and securing more work. If youre on the hunt for a more traditional role, having a website or strong social media presence with only further prove to hiring managers that you are taking your career seriously and embracing new technologies.Networking trumps all.Through all of the new technology used in the modern job search, one thing remains unchanged, and that is the power of networking. No job seeking tool has secured more leads than a face-to-face connection, and its benefits are often overlooked. Consider altering your strategy to inte grate more networking events into your search or reach out to your existing chain of contacts. Once a connection is made, then you can focus on sprucing up your resume and online profiles. Networkingis one of the elements of a successful modern job search that can not be overlooked.Readers, what successful modern job search tips have you found? Share below