Sunday, March 15, 2020

Energizer Bunny

There have been a TV commercial on the Energizer Bunny for eight years, which would speak volumes about successful advertising. This could be one way to make it big in the industry, and it had elendhing to do with the Energizer. Some consumers would argue that would be better electric batteries, and they couldnt be wrong at all. The again, the manufacturers of Energizer knew the powers of a good TV ad. Anyone aspiring to be part of advertising would learn a great deal from it.Advertising is for the creative mind, which would be music to the ears of those who are inclined into arts. But look again. Its no different from the other fields, where theres a healthy dose of competitiveness. Its notlage about making a striking first impression, but rather which one can leave a lasting impression. This is one of the secrets behind the Energizer Bunny. Lets be specific about it. Here are the ways to the right pathYou must be commercially aware of the surroundings, if not what is showing on TV. It doesnt mean making better of what you see on television, even if that is the aim of many wannabes. If you see something good on TV, then you of how to improve it. If youre bold enough, then youll come up with a new idea. Its important to keep this mindset, as the public can be a bit too fickle-minded at times. Art tend to bleed artists dry (and dying) at times. Make it a habit to react to the market trends quickly, and show why you can be better than the iconic Coca-Cola bottle.Experience will bring you near the prize. If it happens to be an internship without pay, then dont dismiss it. This will be the kind of experience that can take you places in advertising. If you happen to be a graduate student with honors, then dont ever think of importing one from the Asia Minor. (If youre a huge fan of mythology, then you know where it leads to.) In the real world, skills will matter the most. In advertising, familiarity with the different aspects of the profession will help you go fart her than you hope for. And its not only about being an account handler. (If youre curious about it, then theres a thing called account handler.) Google it, if not ask your family and friends. They may be six degrees away from that character.Know the latest trends. It what made Madonna infamous in showbiz. It what turned Weird Al Yankovic into an icon of popular culture. It what kept non-talents from drifting into oblivion after being in the limelight for a few years or so. Trend is not strictly limited in fashion it can be applied anywhere, as long as there are followers. In advertising, this turns into a fierce battle. Dont be surprised if what happens behind closed doors is nothing like the public would imagine to be. Lets not go further.

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